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What are the benefits of liquid packaging bags?

1. Transportation and maintenance effects
In the process of transporting items, it is inevitable to avoid physical phenomena such as bumps, squeezing, and vibration that are not conducive to the transportation of items. The item packaging bag can well protect the items in the packaging bag and avoid the harm caused by adverse factors to the items. Item was well maintained in shipment.
2. Shell maintenance effect
The shell of the liquid packaging bag can isolate the items from oxygen, water vapor, stains, etc. Leakage prevention is also a necessary factor in packaging design. Some packages include desiccants or deoxidizers to extend shelf life. Vacuum packaging or removing the air from the packaging bag is also the primary method of packaging items. Keeping items clean, fresh and safe during the shelf life is the main function of packaging bags.
3. Save volume and facilitate classification of liquid packaging bags. Stuffing small items of the same type into one package is a good way to save volume. Powders and granular objects need to be packaged.
4. Convey information
The packaging and labeling of liquid packaging bags can convey information about how people use, transport, recycle or dispose of packaging bags or items.

5. Improve corporate visibility
Printing the logo, company name and other information of the design company on the liquid packaging bag can play a promotional role and effectively increase the company's visibility. It is almost a "moving leaflet"! This is also another important aspect of liquid packaging bags Effect.
6. Prevent theft and protect the interests of merchants
Liquid packaging bags can prevent food from being mixed with other products. Some liquid packaging bags are very strong and have anti-counterfeiting labels, which protects the interests of merchants from being lost. The packaging bag can have laser markings, special colors, SMS authentication and other labels. In addition, in order to prevent theft, retailers put electronic monitoring labels on liquid packaging bags, and wait for customers to take them to the exit of the store for degaussing.
7. Easy to measure and process
Liquid packaging bags are easy to add, load and unload, accumulate, display, sell, open, repack, use and reuse. They are also easy to calculate the quantity. They are very convenient and greatly improve the efficiency of transport and packaging of goods.